8 Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Tips for Solo Female Travelers

India is a home to several magnificent and fascinating wonders. From snow-clad mountains to golden deserts in Rajasthan, from azure blue water beaches to palatial architectural marvels, from crazy night parties to spiritual ancient temples, from vivid historical tales to metropolitan city life- the country has it all.

India is full of wonders and has created a place in bucket-list of all the wanderers and travelers.

So if you are a woman tempted by the beguiling beauty of India and wish to travel alone, then welcome, Colorful India Holidays is here to let you plan your trip diligently. For women traveling alone, it becomes a bit necessary to follow some guidelines before heading for a trip.

If you are frightening with multiple worst stories regarding women being ill-treated, then chill because it is not always the same. You just need to be a little cautious about your safety like do not flaunt things too much, avoid flashing your valuables in public, choose people wisely to talk, carry safety measures, follow your instincts and the list goes on and on.

Here we have curated a list of tips for solo female travelers, follow it and you are all set to dive into the beauty of incredible India.

1. Carry Your Confidence Girl!

There is always a first-time girl. Do not worry if you are traveling alone for the first time. Carry your confidence because this is what makes you rule the world without featuring you as an easy target.

Solo Girl
Solo Girl

2. Be a Little Thoughtful About the Outfit:

Though it is completely your choice of how you wish to dress but definitely you do not want to give people a reason to stare. Because in India women dress quite conservatively and if you roam in the market with something flaunting your cleavage then you can’t escape stare?

Although it becomes highly debatable when someone restricts women’s clothing bracket but the reality is something harsh. You wouldn’t want any eyes staring at you, talking about you or teasing you just cause of your outfit.

So avoid wearing outfits that show up your body in local trains, sleeper coach trains, local buses, or in rural markets.

3. Never Land in an Alien Place without Bookings:

One of the most awful situations you would face while traveling is landing in an unknown place without any prior bookings. Like even if you are traveling with your family or in a group, prior bookings are must to be made.

But if you are a solo women traveler, this step becomes the foremost priority. Make prior bookings of your hotel rooms or if you planning to go for a concert or an event, then make sure to book the tickets online before you start your journey.

4. Stay Resourceful

It is always better to stay connected with the newest technologies emerging to serve women’s safety. There are multiple gadgets in the market introduced to serve women a hand in foul situations. Don’t think in investing on gadget that might be of help to you in an alien place.

Keep the basic PEPPER SPRAY always in your bag or pocket. Also, you can carry a SAFETY ALARM instead of pepper spray. You can press the alarm in a foul situation and the loud noise made by the alarm would help you in an emergency.

Other than that, you should also make sure to take thief protected products like carry a lock to secure your belongings kept in lockers, or rooms. If you are carrying cameras or laptops, then having an electronic locking bag pack is the best option.

5. If You Feel Uncomfortable, Join a Group for a Day

You might feel uncomfortable sometimes or sense something foul, in such a situation DO NOT take RISK as it might end you up in a worse situation. If you sense something skeptical or fear-mongering then lean on the safer side and join day group tours to traverse the city.

It is never a bad idea though as you get a chance to interact and converse with new people. Talk about new ideas and get to know a different perspective about the destination. Joining group tours would assure your safety and also would make you feel comfortable.

6. Keep Your Eyes and Brains Open:

It is always better to be cautious than being SORRY.

Being a solo traveler it becomes even more important to lean on the safer side. Try traveling during the day time and avoid moving out during night. You can go to a party or clubbing at night or a place which is crowded.

But avoid embarking long journey at night as most incidents are recorded to happen at night.

7. Shout and Gather Folks if You Sense Something Creepy:

First of all, put all your efforts to stay safe. But even after that if the foul situation still persists or gives you any negative gut feeling, then ASK FOR HELP without wasting a second.

If you feel skeptical about someone or some situation, then do not hesitate to shout and making noise. Create a scene; gather people because your safety is most IMPORTANT.

For a woman traveling alone it becomes nasty to avoid shitty comments coming from people in streets. If you encounter a situation where you get lewd comments, eve-teasing or feel cheated, then the best help you can serve yourself is asking for help from the nearby people.

Get inside a local crowded shop or shout in public so that the culprit feels embarrassed and leave.

8. Lastly, Follow Your Instincts

Never leave a room for doubts. Follow your instincts. If you get any foul gut feeling regarding a situation then being cautious is the best way to stay safe. Over time of traveling, you will develop a sense of smelling situations which would be a plus point for women traveling alone.

In case you sense your instincts blowing a siren, never ignore, trust it girl because women are bestowed with smelling potential dangers. So never miss your instincts and just go on. Make your instincts your strongest guide and believe us, you gonna enjoy girl!

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    Colourful Indian Holidays

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